
【喬裝星星的佢?!EP4 小型大事情?!】


【My Guest from the UBW Star?! EP4 The Minor Works Matter】 This time, our guest from the UBW Star Siu-kiu is going to make a mess again at her friend's new home. Not only she wants to enlarge the windows and the supporting frame of the air-conditioning unit, but also to erect a canopy and a drying rack. Luckily, our “Flat-Check” star mentor will give instant explanation on how to distinguish between Minor Works and the Designated Exempted Works. There is much to learn about household renovation works. Let’s watch the video and learn together!

#喬裝星人 #標丁 #嗱嗱嗱 #樓嘅嘢要FlatCheck #小型工程嘅嘢要做足 #裝修 #FlatCheck #小型工程監管制度 #指定轄免工程 #屋宇署 #BuildingsDepartment #bd