
【喬裝星星的佢?!EP5 「建」識上中下】

有個咁大嘅平台,不如物盡其用~起返間屋仔用嚟放吓嘢都好喎~咪住先!「喬裝星人」 杜小喬又又又一次畀Flat-Check星級導師叫停咗喇!大家齊齊聽吓Flat-Check星級導師有咩講啦~

【My Guest from the UBW Star?! EP5 Learn about the rooftop】

Why don’t we build a store room on the roof to make use of the area? Hold on! Our “Flat-Check” star mentor gives good advice to our guest from the UBW Star Siu-kiu again. Let’s check out the video and learn together!

#屋宇署 #BuildingsDepartment #BD #喬裝星人 #標丁 #嗱嗱嗱 #樓嘅嘢要FlatCheck #小型工程嘅嘢要做足 #僭建物嘅嘢做啲嘢 #上中下僭建物 #適意設施 #FlatCheck #小型工程監管制度 #指定轄免工程