
Facilitating measures for submission of building plan under PNAP ADV-33 and certification of completion of building works under PNAP APP-13 / 認可人士、註冊結構工程師及註冊岩土工程師作業備考(簡稱「作業備考」) ADV-33 及APP-13中有關呈交建築圖則及建築工程竣工證明書的便利措施


The Buildings Department (BD) has recently implemented a package of streamlining measures to facilitate the early approval of general building plans (GBP) and expedite processing the application for Occupation Permit and Certification of Completion of Building Works. Details of these measures are set out in Practice Notes for Authorized Persons, Registered Structural Engineers and Registered Geotechnical Engineers (PNAP) ADV-33 and PNAP APP-13

In this webinar, the BD would share the background, framework and details of these facilitating measures announced in these practice notes. 


Presentation Slide


屋宇署近日推出一系列的便利措施,以便利認可人仕盡早獲得屋宇署批出建築圖則及加快處理佔用建築物的許可證申請及核證建築工程竣工證明書。屋宇署藉修定《認可人士、註冊結構工程師及註冊岩土工程師作業備考(簡稱「作業備考」) ADV-33》及 《作業備考APP-13》闡明上述的措施。




搜尋字眼: #簡介會 #作業備考 #PNAP #ADV-33 #APP-13