
【 喬裝星星的佢?!EP1 換缸咪Miss “U”】

經過一番努力,阿標我終於都搵到「喬裝星人」杜小喬(杜以辰)嘅蹤影,果然佢一到步就求求其其想將屋企嘅浴缸改裝成企缸! 嗱嗱嗱,咁唔得㗎! 點解?因為⋯⋯等我交畀Flat-Check星級導師解釋畀大家聽喇! 想知點解浴缸唔可以話改就改,快啲睇片喇!

【My Guest from the UBWs Star?! EP1 Don’t Miss Out the “U” when Replacing the Bathtub】

Through our hard work, we finally locate the whereabouts of To Siu-kiu, a visitor from the UBWs Star in space. Not surprisingly, she wants to convert the bathtub at home into a shower tray upon arrival, without observing the rules and “U”! Hey, hey, hey, hold on a second! Our “Flat-Check” star mentor will explain why the conversion cannot be carried out just at will. Watch the video to know more.

#喬裝星人 #標丁 #嗱嗱嗱 #樓嘅嘢要FlatCheck #嗱嗱嗱樓嘅嘢唔少嘢 #嗱嗱嗱Check渠喇喂 #渠管健康 #裝修 #FlatCheck #屋宇署 #BuildingsDepartment #BD