
【 喬裝星星的佢?!EP3 合資格先係辦法】


【My Guest from the UBWs Star?! EP3 Turn to the Qualified Persons!】

Hey, hey, hey! Drainage pipes are not to be tampered with. We must conduct a “Flat-Check” before carrying out any alteration. Siu-kiu seems to be good student material! In this episode, our “Flat-Check” star mentor will explain the requirements for alteration of drainage pipes and works fallen under the description of designated exempted works. Let’s watch the video and learn together!

#喬裝星人 #標丁 #嗱嗱嗱 #樓嘅嘢要FlatCheck #嗱嗱嗱Check渠啦喂 #小型工程嘅嘢要做足 #渠管健康 #裝修 #FlatCheck #坐廁方向 #小型工程監管制度 #指定轄免工程 #屋宇署 #BuildingsDepartment #BD