
【 喬裝星星的佢?!EP2 廁所管理人】

「喬裝星人」杜小喬(杜以辰)繼續攪攪震!上集講完浴缸改企缸要裝隔氣彎管,點知今集佢又想亂改渠管?! 好喇,連Flat-Check星級導師都怕咗你,今次再教埋你咩係反虹吸管!想一齊學嘅朋友,快啲一齊睇片喇!

【My Guest from the UBWs Star?! EP2 Managing the Drainage Pipes in the Toilets】

Our guest from the UBWs Star Siu-kiu is making mischief again! Previously on the series, we learnt that we should install a U-trap when converting a bathtub into a shower tray. In this episode, Siu-kiu intends to mess with the drainage pipes! Alright, our “Flat-Check” star mentor will talk about what anti-syphonage pipes are in this episode. Watch the video if you want to know too!

#喬裝星人 #標丁 #嗱嗱嗱樓嘅嘢要FLATCHECK #嗱嗱嗱樓嘅嘢唔少嘢 #嗱嗱嗱Check渠喇喂 #渠管健康 #裝修 #屋宇署 #BuildingsDepartment #BD