Flat Check Videos
【喬裝星星的佢?!EP5 「建」識上中下】
有個咁大嘅平台,不如物盡其用~起返間屋仔用嚟放吓嘢都好喎~咪住先!「喬裝星人」 杜小喬又又又一次畀Flat-Check星級導師叫停咗喇!大家齊齊聽吓Flat-Check星級導師有咩講啦~ 【My Guest from the UBW Star?! EP5 Learn about the rooftop】 Why don’t we build a store room on the roof to make use of the area? Hold on! Our “Flat-Check” star mentor gives good advice to our guest from the UBW Star Siu-kiu again. Let’s check out the video and learn together! #屋宇署 #BuildingsDepartment #BD #喬裝星人 #標丁 #嗱嗱嗱 #樓嘅嘢要FlatCheck #小型工程嘅嘢要做足 #僭建物嘅嘢做啲嘢 #上中下僭建物 #適意設施 #FlatCheck #小型工程監管制度 #指定轄免工程
【 喬裝星星的佢?!EP3 合資格先係辦法】
坐向唔好要改改佢?原來「喬裝星人」杜小喬(杜以辰)都識睇風水?等等先!你想改嘅係坐廁方向?嗱嗱嗱,之前咪教過你渠管唔可以亂改,一定要Flat-Check!見你都係可造之材,Flat-Check星級導師今集繼續教你點改渠管先合規格,仲有點先算係指定豁免工程,大家快啲埋黎睇片一齊學嘢喇! 【My Guest from the UBWs Star?! EP3 Turn to the Qualified Persons!】 Hey, hey, hey! Drainage pipes are not to be tampered with. We must conduct a “Flat-Check” before carrying out any alteration. Siu-kiu seems to be good student material! In this episode, our “Flat-Check” star mentor will explain the requirements for alteration of drainage pipes and works fallen under the description of designated exempted works. Let’s watch the video and learn together! #喬裝星人 #標丁 #嗱嗱嗱 #樓嘅嘢要FlatCheck #嗱嗱嗱Check渠啦喂 #小型工程嘅嘢要做足 #渠管健康 #裝修 #FlatCheck #坐廁方向 #小型工程監管制度 #指定轄免工程 #屋宇署 #BuildingsDepartment #BD
【 喬裝星星的佢?!EP2 廁所管理人】
「喬裝星人」杜小喬(杜以辰)繼續攪攪震!上集講完浴缸改企缸要裝隔氣彎管,點知今集佢又想亂改渠管?! 好喇,連Flat-Check星級導師都怕咗你,今次再教埋你咩係反虹吸管!想一齊學嘅朋友,快啲一齊睇片喇! 【My Guest from the UBWs Star?! EP2 Managing the Drainage Pipes in the Toilets】 Our guest from the UBWs Star Siu-kiu is making mischief again! Previously on the series, we learnt that we should install a U-trap when converting a bathtub into a shower tray. In this episode, Siu-kiu intends to mess with the drainage pipes! Alright, our “Flat-Check” star mentor will talk about what anti-syphonage pipes are in this episode. Watch the video if you want to know too! #喬裝星人 #標丁 #嗱嗱嗱樓嘅嘢要FLATCHECK #嗱嗱嗱樓嘅嘢唔少嘢 #嗱嗱嗱Check渠喇喂 #渠管健康 #裝修 #屋宇署 #BuildingsDepartment #BD
【 喬裝星星的佢?!EP1 換缸咪Miss “U”】
經過一番努力,阿標我終於都搵到「喬裝星人」杜小喬(杜以辰)嘅蹤影,果然佢一到步就求求其其想將屋企嘅浴缸改裝成企缸! 嗱嗱嗱,咁唔得㗎! 點解?因為⋯⋯等我交畀Flat-Check星級導師解釋畀大家聽喇! 想知點解浴缸唔可以話改就改,快啲睇片喇! 【My Guest from the UBWs Star?! EP1 Don’t Miss Out the “U” when Replacing the Bathtub】 Through our hard work, we finally locate the whereabouts of To Siu-kiu, a visitor from the UBWs Star in space. Not surprisingly, she wants to convert the bathtub at home into a shower tray upon arrival, without observing the rules and “U”! Hey, hey, hey, hold on a second! Our “Flat-Check” star mentor will explain why the conversion cannot be carried out just at will. Watch the video to know more. #喬裝星人 #標丁 #嗱嗱嗱 #樓嘅嘢要FlatCheck #嗱嗱嗱樓嘅嘢唔少嘢 #嗱嗱嗱Check渠喇喂 #渠管健康 #裝修 #FlatCheck #屋宇署 #BuildingsDepartment #BD
【喬裝星星的佢?!EP4 小型大事情?!】
「喬裝星人」杜小喬今次嚟到朋友屋企,實行大改特改,唔單止想擴闊窗口、改裝冷氣機支架,仲想加建簷篷同埋晾衫架𠻹!好彩有Flat-Check星級導師睇實,即時講解點樣區分一般小型工程同指定轄免工程;屋企裝修一樣都有大學問,大家快啲嚟睇片聽書喇! 【My Guest from the UBW Star?! EP4 The Minor Works Matter】 This time, our guest from the UBW Star Siu-kiu is going to make a mess again at her friend's new home. Not only she wants to enlarge the windows and the supporting frame of the air-conditioning unit, but also to erect a canopy and a drying rack. Luckily, our “Flat-Check” star mentor will give instant explanation on how to distinguish between Minor Works and the Designated Exempted Works. There is much to learn about household renovation works. Let’s watch the video and learn together! #喬裝星人 #標丁 #嗱嗱嗱 #樓嘅嘢要FlatCheck #小型工程嘅嘢要做足 #裝修 #FlatCheck #小型工程監管制度 #指定轄免工程 #屋宇署 #BuildingsDepartment #bd